
Let Pebble Time Manage Your Projects – With Trello

Pebble Time with Michael – Day 5


Another Pebble application that’s turned out to be a favorite of mine is the rather wordily named “Unofficial Support for Trello“. My wife and I make extensive use of Trello as a kind of virtual cork board. Here’s a brief description of this web-based application right from the Trello web site:

“A Trello board is a list of lists, filled with cards, used by you and your team. It’s a lot more than that, though. Trello has everything you need to organize projects of any size.”

Trello has iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire applications, as well as a web-based interface for accessing it from a PC. You can check out for more information on this simple but very powerful application.

My wife and I use Trello to maintain lists for my upcoming activities, my wife’s, our joint activities, and a shopping list. The shopping list is where we primarily put items that we need to get from the grocery store. When either of us goes to the store we can access this list from phone or watch and make sure that we get all of the items we need at home. So Trello acts as a kind of bulletin board/shared calendar/project manager for us.

There are actually two Trello applications available for the Pebble: “Unofficial Support for Trello” and “Checklists for Trello“. The second application can only access Trello cards containing checklists. Checklist cards can be quite handy but my wife and I don’t bother using them as it’s simpler and faster to just create basic Trello cards. We just enter acitivities and shopping items as individual Trello cards. So I don’t use the Checklists for Trello application on my Pebble.

The picture shows Unofficial Support for Trello running on my Pebble Time. You can see it shows the start of an actual grocery shopping list. When I go to the grocery store later today I’ll use it to guide my shopping. I can also use the Pebble application to quickly see upcoming activities for my wife and/or myself if I need to check our availability for some new activity. Thus Trello serves as a shared calendar for us in addition to a shopping list.

I suggest you check out Trello for use in managing team activities, whether your team is just a family or an actual business team. I think you’ll be surprised at just how handy this application can be, especially with the aid of it’s supporting Pebble application.