
Upcoming Changes to “Pebble Time with Michael”

Pebble Time with Michael

Pebble Stuff Portrait

Back on June 16th I started writing a series of daily articles here on my experiences in learning the in’s and out’s of my new Pebble Time. I tried to give a day-by-day rundown of what I learned while using this terrific smartwatch. Now that I’ve been using it constantly for 23 days I think it’s time to change the format and style of my articles here.

Starting tomorrow I’m no longer going to be just ticking off my days of ownership of the Pebble Time. I’m also going to change the style of the articles from simply mentioning some particular watch face or app that I’ve just discovered to a description of how I’m actually making use of the Pebble Time in my daily life. I’m going to attempt to make the articles a little more thoughtful, as it were, and move beyond simple reviews of a single app or watch face.

In addition, I’m no longer going to be publishing an article every single day here. In future, I’ll be posting articles every 2 or 3 days. The articles themselves will likely often be somewhat longer than what I’ve published here in the past and will thus take me a little more time to create.

Tomorrow the first article in this new style will appear here. For the first time, I’m going to answer some questions that I’ve received regarding my articles. These questions address the MyTimeline Tasker Plugin, the subject of a two-part review here on Day 13 and Day 14. I will likely do more such articles answering your questions in the future.

I welcome your feedback in the comments section below regarding these changes to Pebble Time with Michael. In particular, I’d love to hear from you regarding what topics you would like to see covered here in the future. I’ve certainly enjoyed writing all of the previous articles, and look forward to producing many more. Thanks to all of you for your visits here and especially for your comments, messages, and emails!

Michael Connick