We’re looking for new bloggers!
We’ve had tremendous support and feedback from the community over the past year – a big thank you to everyone out there for that.
However, due to changes in our personal lives, we haven’t been able to keep the blog updated with new posts as much as we would have liked to.
Still, we have noticed, that there is a good amount of people coming to our blog and spending some time reading our articles.
We have decided, that while we would love to continue operating the blog, we want to reach out to the community:
If you’re interested in writing about your experiences with Pebble Time, Time Steel or Round, let us know!
How do you qualify?
Firstly, you should be excited about sharing your experiences and new watchfaces, apps and accessories with the Pebble community. Secondly, a decent camera to take some nice pictures of your Pebble with the content you’re writing about.
What would you be getting out of this?
To be honest: we cannot pay you (yet), since we are not making any profit out of this. However, we’ll do our best to have you receive products from our partners that can be used for reviews. Furthermore, we provide you a platform which allows you to write about your experiences and your opinions with a fair amount of readers out there. If you’re looking to gather some experience in blogging/writing, this might be for you.
Get in touch if we have sparked your interest and you would like to become a contributor to pebblestuff.io.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself and make sure to include a sample article, so we can get an idea what an article by you would look like.