Powernoter for Pebble Time

Powernoter – A Better Evernote Experience for Pebble Time

Organization is essential to a busy life. If you’re familiar with the popular note taking service from Evernote, you know they’ve got organization figured out. Unfortunately, their watch app leaves a lot to be desired. If you’re an Evernote fan like me, we’ve found a great Evernote client to check out called Powernoter.


When I first got my Pebble I installed the Evernote app and went through all of the setup process – only to never really use it again. The official Evernote app really just acts as a viewer for the notes you’ve saved and leaves out a lot of valuable features. Fortunately, we found Powernoter and I’ve been using it for a little while now on my Pebble Time Round.

Powernoter for Pebble Time
Photo by Greg Dunn

Features & Functionality

Powernoter is packed full of features you’d expect out of a wearable Evernote client. Once it’s installed, users can scroll through the main menu to access all of the essentials like notebooks, notes, tags and to-do lists. I organize everything into notebooks and Powernoter allows me to access all of them easily. The settings menu allows you to edit the main screen so that whatever you need is displayed and all non-essentials are hidden.

Powernoter for Pebble Time
Photo by Greg Dunn

Voice input is another really cool feature baked into Powernoter. The app allows users to dictate notes by taking full advantage of Pebble’s built-in microphone. I wouldn’t recommend it for lengthy entries, but it works great when you just need to jot down a thought or two. Powernoter also adds recently modified notes and Evernote reminders to your timeline.

Powernoter for Pebble Time
Photo by Greg Dunn

Function Over Fashion

The one area that Powernoter struggles is design and aesthetics. Powernoter really isn’t lacking much in terms of features, but it could use a bit of polishing. The bare-bones user interface is all about function. It only allows users to control the background and text colors, as well as the text size. It would be great to see the interface updated to have a theme reminiscent of Pebble’s latest menu layout. We can’t fault the developer here though, because the visuals didn’t take away from how well this app functioned on a daily basis.

Powernoter for Pebble Time
Photo by Greg Dunn

The verdict

Powernoter simply nails usability. It’s a no-frills application and it does exactly what it promises. If you’re a power Evernote user, then this app is definitely for you! It works really well and now it has become a must have on my Pebble. What are your favorite productivity apps, and what do you use to stay organized? Let us know in the comment section below!

Download: Powernoter – Pebble App Store

Strap and Skin as usual from our friends GadgetWraps

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